Wednesday 18 May 2011

Support Stamp Out Hunger Day with a cup of coffee

May 2011 is a date to note in your diary. The conscientious among us want to do the right thing and help those less fortunate and May 14th has been chosen as a special day to do just that.

There are two particular reasons for this.

One: it's World Fair Trade Day. The Fair Trade organisation works to improve trading conditions for small and disadvantaged local farmers and producers of products such as coffee. The organisation also works to improve these farmers' communities and their social facilities such as medical care and schooling. Events and festivals will be organised all over the globe in support of the Fair Trade movement on this day. Anyone can participate – even if you are simply supping some Fair Trade coffee for breakfast, or using Fair Trade ingredients in your cooking and baking.

Two: it's Stamp Out Hunger Day in America too. This is a campaign sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers. The scheme aims to collect unperishable foodstuffs from donors' mailboxes and take them to those in need of sustenance, usually at one of the local foodbanks. Reported figures show that this campaign is aimed at reaching over 50 million Americans who need assistance.

Either way, you can help those less fortunate to benefit from one of these organisations. Coffee mornings are traditionally used for 'social gatherings' to invest time and energy in community matters – why not make the time you spend over a cup of coffee count?

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